Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's A Guy Thing

Okay, so normally I'd keep things lite and fluffy, none of that heavy deep thinking stuff, but occasionally it has to come out...

Let me start by saying this... All I really know about women I know because of TV, movies, magazines and books.

And what I know is (in vast generalizations)
  • Nice guys only get the girl in the movies
  • Nice guys are almost always put into the friendzone with the women they want
  • Nice girls usually end up with the shittiest of guys
  • Nice girls don't tend to see the people who are best for them are right under their noses

Yeah, I know what you're saying, the good guy can finish first, and the good girls usually end up with the right guys (or girls), but I have yet to see it happen out side of the aforementioned TV, movies etc...

Why am I bringing up all of this you may now be asking yourself, well, I blame the New Zealand TV show Go Girls, it follows the lives and times of four (three for the first season or two) twenty-something women and two (one for the first two seasons) twenty-something guys... But to me it doesn't sugar coat things quite like some other shows, yeah it's exaggerated but so far no happy endings...

You know something? At thirty three years old I'm beginning to think that maybe the truth is that the happy people are the anomaly, and us lonely and sad people are the norm... 33, single, never had a girlfriend, never been on a date, never been kissed... And yeah, that's not by choice.

1 comment:

Sunny Lea CastaƱeda said...

You already know my thoughts on this as you've heard them countless times before. What do I suggest at last after knowing you almost 4 years? Go for the gold and improve yourself... inside and out. I think you're a terrific and talented bloke and you just need the shiny exterior to go along with that. I know if you put your mind to it, you can. <3